Friday, May 4, 2012 21:36


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Life requires a power supply for your support. Lord grant this food in the Sacrament Communion or Greek Eucharist, Which means "thanksgiving." In communion we partake in the guise of bread and wine the Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, and so God becomes a part of us, and we - part of his (commune, one with him, closer than most native people, and through him - one body and one family with all members of the Church, now our brothers and sisters.

By the Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ in the family are prepared in advance. This training consists of fervent prayer, attending worship services, fasting, good deeds, reconciliation with all, and then - a confession that is clearing his conscience in the Sacrament of Penance.


The sacrament of Holy Communion has established himself our Lord Jesus Christ during the last Last Supper, On the eve of His suffering and death. He made himself a sacrament, "he took bread and gave thanks (God the Father for all His mercies to mankind), brake, and gave his disciples, saying: Take eat: this is my body which is given for you. It also took the cup, gave thanks and gave it to them, saying: Drink from it all, because this is my blood of the covenant, for you and shed for many for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in remembrance of me "(Matt. 26, 26-28, Mark. 14, 22-24, Luke. 22, 19-24, 1 Cor. 11, 23-25).

About Communion in relation to the Christian worship should be noted that this ordinance is the main and essential part of Christian worship. According to the commandment of Christ, the mystery of this ever takes place in the Church of Christ and will be committed until the end of the divine service, called LiturgyDuring which the bread and wine, by the power and authority of the Holy Spirit, propose thatOr transubstantiated, into the true body and true blood of Christ.

Таинство причащения совершается каждый день, кроме некоторых дней Великого поста, поэтому возможность причаститься есть всегда. Мнение о том, как часто нужно причащаться, изменялось со временем. Первые христиане причащались почти ежедневно, а человек, пропустивший без особой причины три воскресных евхаристии, считался отпавшим от Церкви. Позднее стали причащаться реже. До революции в России считалось нормой причащаться каждый пост (Великий, Петровский, Успенский и Рождественский) и в день своих именин. Сейчас все больше распространяется практика частого причащения, не реже одного раза в месяц.

In the depths of the Old Testament image of an Orthodox priest to go. Lamb of God is replaced by lying on the altar of Isaac, the lamb had to prepare the Jews for Passover, remembering the life-saving exodus from Egypt. In the Old Testament prophecy of Isaiah speaks of innocence, which, like a lamb, meekly goes to the slaughter. These words are repeated in the Orthodox liturgy. Lamb referred to as bread, prepared for communion.

Gospel filled with new meaning the Old Testament imagery. Christ on the cross hit a warrior with a spear, to confirm his death - and the water gushed from the wound and the blood. Therefore, the water, which is a condition of life, mixed wine, are putting in the blood of Christ. Spear called the subject, which the priest takes a particle from prosphoras - хлебов для причащения. Эти и множество других образов Ветхого и Нового Заветов составляют единую ткань богослужения. В нее вплетаются переживания верующих, связывая происходящее со всей Священной историей человечества. Тело и Кровь Христа - "духовная пища", огонь, сжигающий зло, но и способный "попалить" тех, кто причащается "недостойно", т. е. неискренне, без благоговения, не подготовившись к причащению постом и молитвой, имея на совести утаенные грехи. Вместо "исцеления души и тела" такие люди, по мнению Церкви, готовят себе наказание. "Причастился во осуждение", - говорят о таких случаях в Церкви.

После положенных священнодействий, вознесения молитв священником, совершающим таинство, и всей церковью, причастники приближаются к ступеням алтаря. Детей пропускают вперед, они причащаются первыми. Дети в Православной Церкви причащаются сразу после крещения. Самые маленькие, которые еще не могут есть твердую пищу, причащаются Кровью Христовой. После возгласа диакона: "Со страхом Божиим и верою приступите!" - причастники, крестообразно сложив руки на груди, по очереди подходят к чаше - cup. Priest special spoon with a long handle (lzhitsey) Pulls out a particle of the Holy Sacrament of the cup and puts in his mouth communicant.

Taking the particle partake kiss the bottom of the bowl and moving to the table where the servants give them drink warm drink consecrated communion - wine and water - and eat a piece of consecrated bread.

After the service, partake listen to a prayer of thanksgiving, and the preaching of the priest. On the day of Communion Orthodox believers trying to behave decently, especially, remembering his sacrifice and his duty to God and man.

Read 37 time Last modified on Friday, May 4, 2012 21:42
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