Monday, May 7, 2012 6:14

Confession and repentance

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But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread and drink of the cup. For he who eats and drinks unworthily, eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord's body.
(1 Cor. 11, 28-29).

А что значит подготовиться? Испытать усердно свою совесть, вызвать в памяти и восчувствовать сердцем свои согрешения, решиться все их без всякой утайки поведать духовнику, в них покаяться и не только покаяться, но и впредь их избегать. А так как часто память нам изменяет, то хорошо делают те, которые на бумагу заносят воспомянутые грехи. А о тех грехах, которые ты при всем свое желании не можешь вспомнить, не беспокойся, что они тебе не простятся. Ты только имей искреннюю решимость во всем покаяться и со слезами проси Господа простить тебе все твои грехи, яже помнишь и яже не помнишь. Перед Confession Pray: Incline not, O Lord, my heart is in the words of guile, nepschevati deeds.


Svschmch. Arseny (Zhadanovsky), e. Serpukhov (1874-1937).

Getting Started Sacrament of ConfessionMust present themselves with fear, humility and hope. With fear - as God was angry with the sinner. In humility - through the consciousness of his sinfulness. With hope - for philoprogenitive proceed to the Father, who sent for our atonement of his Son, who took our sins nailed to the cross and washed by the blood of His Most Pure ...

In case of confusion and forgetfulness of their sins may be going to the Sacrament, these should be written to memory and oblivion, with the permission of the confessor, to look at the note and explain to him.

St. Macarius of Optina (1788-1860).

Try to prepare as follows:

A. Though a little, but more often pray for strength, standing, sitting or lying down, and.

Two. Pray words of the publican or the Jesus prayer, remembering all the sins of his youth, not only business but also in word and thought and sentiment, and if any sin potsarapyvaet conscience, then stop it and ask for forgiveness so long until you feel that the Lord has forgiven . My heart tells it. Add all of these sins, then to a confession does not forget them.

Three. Most imagine that you're dead and have to go through ordeals and give account for every unconfessed sins. Again, to be floated various sins and repent before God again for the forgiveness of them, that they were not remembered in the ordeal. Also write down more serious. So labored for a week or two, and then confessed everything.

After Confession back and view life and write down what was forgotten the first time.

Abbot Nikon (Vorobyov) (1894-1963).

When a sinner comes to the priest to tell him of his sins because he's afraid to get into a hellish flour - this is not repentance. That is the task for a man is not how to repent, and how to avoid falling into the hell of torment! Real repentance - understand their sins, for them to experience the pain, ask God for forgiveness and then poispovedovatsya.

Elder Paisios of the Holy (1924-1994).
Read 27 time Last modified on Thursday, May 10, 2012 16:01
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