Thursday, May 10, 2012 14:32

Determination of the sins of the ten commandments

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In the first commandment:
A. Do you have a constant memory of God and the fear of God in your heart?
Two. Do not waver your faith in God, lack of faith, doubt?
Three. Doubted whether the holy tenets of the Orthodox Faith?
4. Does beg God to strengthen your faith?
Five. Do not lose hope of God's mercy and help?

6. Do you pray every day, morning, evening, God? Diligently whether your prayer?
7. Always there when you can you attend all church services? Do not immerse them without important reasons?
Eight. Do you love to read religious books and nravstvennyya read them? Do not read books from the sinful curiosity godless and heretical?
9. Does sacrificing willingly, at the call of the Church, the purpose and blagotvoritelnyya St. Temple?
10. Do not resort to divination? Do not take part in sessions to communicate with evil spirits?
11. Do not forget about the main thing, the life of God's Law, a preparation for eternity, and the answer before God, indulging in vanity, sloth, pleasure, bezpechnosti?

In the second commandment
A. In the first place if you have a God? Maybe you have not God in the first place, but something else, such as collecting money, purchasing the property, enjoyment, entertainment, food, drinks, clothing, jewelry, striving to attract attention, to play the first role, receive praise, spend time in the diaspora, in reading the blank books, etc.?
Two. Do not distract you from God enthusiasm for television, film, theater, maps?
Three. Perhaps because of worries about himself, his family did not forget God and live according to His commandments and do not follow the rules of our Mother Church?
4. If so, then it means that you serve her "idol" to his idol, did you get it in the first place, not the Lord God and His teachings.
Five. Perhaps, art, sports, science, you take the first place? Maybe any passion (avarice, gluttony, carnal love, etc.) captured your heart.
6. Do not do it out of itself "idol" of pride, of selfishness? Test yourself.

On the Third Commandment
A. Do not sworn in ordinary, everyday conversation, did not use a lightly, without reverence the name of God, or, worse yet, sanctuary Do not pay for fun? Or, God forbid, in a fit of exasperation, anger, despair, if not let yourself boldly complain to God or blaspheme God?
Two. Or giving any pledge or oath, then broke it?
Three. Do not indulged in melancholy?
4. Does not happen razseyannoyu, inattentive your prayer to God?

In the fourth commandment
A. Do not violate the sanctity of Sundays and great feasts established St. Church?
Two. Does not work on these days for the benefit, profit?
Three. Instead of holiday services not performed at any time, whether the entertainment, at a ball at the theater, movies or whatever it may be a meeting where there is no talk of God, where there is no prayer, no way should celebrate a holiday? Do not satisfy yourself takiya amusement and assembly, thereby diverting people from going to church?
4. Do you attend all church services accurately? Do not come to church with a long delay, to the middle or end of the service?
Five. Do you attend on Sunday and holidays, sick? Does the poor, the needy?
6. Do not break St. post?
7. Do not get drunk with liquor?

By the fifth commandment
A. Were there any cases nepochitatelnago relationship to his parents, nevnimatelnago relation to their care and their advice? Do take care of them in their illnesses in old age?
Two. If your parents have died, often, if you pray for the repose of their souls in the church and prayer at home?
Three. Were there any cases nepochtitelnago relation to the pastors of the Church?
4. Do not condemn them? Do not embittered there for them when they are reminded of the eternity of the preparation for it, for the salvation of the soul of sins? When they call for the following of the Church and her teachings?
Five. Do not insult someone older than himself, and especially the benefactors?

By the sixth commandment
A. You did not kill anybody physically in a direct and literal sense, but, perhaps, was the cause of death of any indirect way: he could help the poor or sick and did not, alchuschago not fed, watered zhazhduschago not, the stranger did not take, not the naked clothed , sick and in prison nahodyaschagosya not visited (Matthew 25:34-36)?
Two. Have you not committed the murder of spiritual, that is not seduced by someone with a dobrago way of life, lured there in heresy or schism in the church, not seduced by a sin?
Three. Do not kill anyone sinful expression of anger and hatred towards him?
4. Do you forgive those who offend you? Not taish a long time in the heart of malice and resentment?
Five. Blame is all over himself, or just others?
6. Do not resorted to illicit operations, that too is murder, sin, and the wife and husband?

On the Seventh Commandment
A. Do not cohabited with the person of the opposite sex, being with him in carnal relations without marriage or tserkovnago content with only a civil marriage? Not available at this uporstvuesh, evading tserkovnago marriage?
Two. Do not let a careless contact with persons of the opposite sex?
Three. Do not defile, allowing himself to indulge in impure and lecherous thoughts and desires? Reading of impure books, razsmatrivaniyu impure pictures?
4. Remember the songs of sinners, passionate dancing, jokes, profanity, neskromnyya spectacles, clothes, drinking, and similar sins.
Five. Remember, a Christian, that as long as you are not of confession of sin nezakonnago cohabitation or be content with only a civil marriage without tserkovnago until you do not stop this sin, or separation of the church coming into the marriage, you do not dare to proceed to the Holy Communion of Christ Mysteries, nor have any voice in church affairs.
6. Наиболее гибнет людей из-за нарушения 7-ой заповеди, так как люди стыдятся исповедывать свои грехи против этой заповеди, как это видно из слов Ангела преподобной Феодоре, при прохождении ею мытарств. После прохождения преподобною Феодорою 16, 17, 18 мытарств, ангел сказал Феодоре: Ты видела страшныя, отвратительныя блудныя мытарства, знай, что редкая душа минует их свободно, весь мир погружен во зле соблазнов и скверн, все человеки сластолюбивы. Большая часть, дошедши сюда, гибнет: лютые истязатели блудных грехов похищают души блудников и низводят их в ад.
7. Be of good courage as a Christian, and repent while still alive, still not too late.

On the Eighth Commandment
A. Not appropriating someone else's property is a direct or indirect? Deception, different tricks, combinations? Maybe not performed as expected that was required to execute a resulting reward thee?
Two. Do not overly addicted to worldly goods, not wanting to share them with others that need them?
Three. Do not possessed thy soul avarice?
4. Do not take kradennago? For conscience is disposed of foreign good, if it had been entrusted to you?

By the ninth commandment
A. Not slandering Does your blizhnyago? Do not blame others often, cursed, reviled them for real if their sins and vices, or only apparent?
Two. Do not you love to hear about any bad word of mouth, and then willing to carry it, carried away with all sorts of rumors, gossip, idle talk?
Three. Do not resort to sometimes lie, untruth? Do you try to always be truthful?

By the tenth commandment
A. Do not envy others? If you are jealous of the fact that there horoshago tsennago or other people, this feeling can bring you to a crime tyazhkago most of all. Keep in mind that malicious envy of the scribes and Pharisees erected at the cross the Son of God Himself, prishedshago earth to save people.
Two. Envy always leads to anger and hatred and is able to bring to the most insane acts, up to the murder.

Read 22 time Last modified on Thursday, May 10, 2012 15:54
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