Prayer (35)

Lord, give me peace of mind to find anything that would give me this day. Lord, give me a totally surrender to the will of Thy holy. Lord, on this day, every hour throughout the instruct and support me. Lord, show me Your will for me and around me. Lord, what ever I got the news during the day, let me take them to the late soul and firm conviction that all the Holy be Thy will.

Thursday, May 10, 2012 15:14

In the difficulties and dangers

Read the 90th Psalm in the Old Church Slavonic

Живый в помощи Вышняго, в крове Бо­га Небеснаго водворится. Речет Господеви: Заступник мой еси и Прибежище мое, Бог мой, и уповаю на Него. Яко Той изба­вит тя от сети ловчи, и от словесе мятежна, плещма Своима осенит тя, и под кри­ле Его надеешися: оружием обыдет тя ис­тина Его. Не убоишися от страха нощнаго, от стрелы летящия во дни, от вещи во тьме преходящия, от сряща, и беса полуденнаго. Падет от страны твоея тысяща, и тьма одесную тебе, к тебе же не приближится, обаче очима твоима смотриши, и воздая-ние грешников узриши.

Thursday, May 10, 2012 15:13

Daily prayer Defender

O Lord God, You vouchsafed me a sinner and unworthy to serve my country, to carry out debt Defender of the Fatherland! Rely with his whole being, heart and spirit of the holy Thy will. I beseech Thee, O Lord of Mankind, that my hand and weapons were aimed at a just cause, and not to become to me a sinner, and passionate, an instrument of evil and injustice.

Thursday, May 10, 2012 15:12

Prayer Warriors Nebesnm patrons

"Who is like God" is the name of it. Prince of the great, the leader of the army of the Lord, Archangel calls it the Holy Scriptures.

This - the Archangel Michael. It was he who led the war against the devil, when he rebelled against God. And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon and his angels fought against them, but resisted and did not find was their place in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the devil and Satan (Rev. 12, 7-9).

Thursday, May 10, 2012 15:10

Prayer to the Holy Archangel Michael

Святый и великий Архангеле Божий Михаиле, неисповедимыя и пресущественныя Троицы первый во Ангелех предстоятелю, рода же человеческаго приставниче и хранителю, сокрушивый с воинствы своими главу прегордаго денницы на небеси и посрамляяй выну злобу и коварства его на земли! К тебе прибегаем с верою и тебе молимся с любовию, буди щит не­сокрушим и забрало твердо Святей Церкви и православному отечеству нашему, ограждая их молниеносным мечем твоим от всех враг видимых и невидимых.

Thursday, May 10, 2012 15:09

Prayer before the battle

Pray first

Blessed Saint Alexander Nevsky, read them before the battle of the Neva

Боже хвальный и праведный! Боже ве­ликий и крепкий! Боже превечный, сотворивый небо и землю и поставивый пределы языков*, и жити им повелевый, не преступая в чужие 0части, и давый рабом Своим упование, превечное Твое Слово, во еже не боятися малому стаду от убиваю­щих тело; милосердия же ради неизреченныя милости Твоея, послал еси Единороднаго Сына Твоего на спасение и избав­ление рода человеча.

Troparion, Tone 4 th:
Nasladivsya, divinely wise, abstinence, and the desire of the flesh of thy curbing, sat on the throne svyatitelstva art, and like a star mnogosvetlaya, enlightening the hearts of the faithful zaryami wonders of thy Lord's Prayer, St Nikita, and now pray to Christ God to save our souls.

Troparion, Tone 4 th:
Yako svoboditel prisoners and beggars zaschititel, nemoschstvuyuschih doctor poborniche kings, pobedonosche velikomucheniche George, pray Christ God, save our souls.


Kontakion, tone 4 th:
Cultivated by God, hast appeared maker honest piety, virtues gathering arm yourself seyav bo in tears reap with gladness: stradalchestvovav same blood, Thou hast taken Christ: and the prayers of the saints, thy sins forgiven all podaeshi.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, pray for the sake of Thy most pure Mother hear me, unworthy servant [or slave] (Name). Lord, in Thy gracious power of my child [or my child], thy servants (S) Have mercy and save them for the sake of Thy Name. Lord, forgive them all transgressions voluntary and involuntary, committed by them before thee.

To flee from thee, O Lord, our? In which country shall be hidden from your face? The sky - Thy throne, the earth - thy footstool, in a sea of ​​thy way, thy reign in hell. If the close is the end of the world, not without thy tender mercies will end.

Lord God, since both forget their sins is a sin, then all my sins to Thee, the One Serdtsevedu; you and forgive me for thy philanthropy, that and seen the splendor of your glory when you do not repay sinners for them, because you preproslavlen ever. Amen.

Thursday, May 10, 2012 14:33

Prayer before confession

(Saint Symeon the New Theologian)

God and the Lord of all! Vsyakago breathing and heart imy power is One istseliti mogy me, hear me praying, wretched, and the serpent in me gnezdyaschagosya inspiration of the All-Holy and Life-giving Spirit slaying consumer:, and less impoverished and naked suscha every virtue, to the holy feet of my father (of spiritual) with tears cling grant that, and his soul to the holy mercy, hedgehog milovati me, privletsy.

Saint Xenia of Petersburg

Troparion, Tone 7:
Christ's pauper, bezsmertnyya naslazhdaeshisya meal now, mad mad world imaginary guise, humility cross the power of God vospriyala art. For this cause by having attained a gift chudodeystvennyya, Blessed Xenia, pray God, Christ, our deliverance from all evil by repentance.

Thursday, May 10, 2012 14:26

Prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Pray first
O Most Holy Lady Theotokos Lady! We stir up the servant of God (names) From the depth of sins and deliver us from death vnezapnyya and from all evil. Grant me, Madam, we have peace and health, and enlighten our minds and eyes serdechnyya, hedgehog to salvation, and grant that HN, sinners Thy servants, the kingdom of your Son, Christ our God: Thou power of His blessed with the Father and Blessed by His Spirit.

Troparion, Tone 4
Creator and all sorts of creative, God, the case of our hands, to your glory begins, your blessing quickly corrected, and us from all evil deliver, Thou the only omnipotent and mankind.

Thursday, May 10, 2012 13:54

Prayer of the Cossack

Lord, I believe, and I confess that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God, who came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am well first.
Yet I believe that the ineffable grace of thy sins you forgive our anger and thy righteousness to put in the grace and the Holy Faith of our Christ will not let die from the snares of Antichrist, and exalt it over all the earth.

Thursday, May 10, 2012 13:43


Typically, popular during the tribulation

Psalm 3
Господи, что ся умножиша стужающии ми? Мнози востают на мя, мнози глаголют души моей: несть спасения ему в Бозе его. Ты же. Господи, Заступник мой ecи, слава моя и возносяй главу мою. Гласом моим ко Господу воззвах, и услыша мя от горы святыя Своея. Аз уснух, и спах, востах, яко Господь заступит мя. Не убоюся от тем людей, окрест нападающих на мя. Воскресни, Господи, спаси мя, Боже мой, яко Ты поразил ecи вся враждующыя ми всуе: зубы грешников сокрушил ecu. Господне есть спасение, и на людех Твоих благословение Твое.

Thursday, May 10, 2012 13:42

Prayer for reconciliation of warring

Master of Mankind, the King of ages, and the Giver of good, of enmity destroyed the mediastinum and the world has submitted to the human race, grant, and now the world is thy servant, which is rooted in fear and thy love for each other the affirmative: every feud died down, the whole otimi disclosed and temptations. For Thou art our peace, and to Thee we send up glory to the Father and the Son, and Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012 21:13

Pray for Russia and its army

Господи Боже наш, послушавый Моисеа, простерша к Тебе руце, и люди Израилевы укрепивый на Амалика, ополчивый Иисуса Навина на брань, и повелевый солнцу стати: Ты и нане, Владыко Господи, услыши нас, молящихся Тебе: укрепи силою Твоею Родину нашу, умножи славу ея победами над супостаты: утверди всесильною десницею Твоею державу нашу, сохрани воинство ея, отыми от нас всяк глад и пагубу, и избави ны от огня и меча и нападения враг, и от всякого востания противнаго: Посли, Господи, невидимо десницу Твою, раби Твоя заступающую во всех: яко Твоя держава, царство и сила, от Тебе помощь все приемлем, на Тя уповаем, и Тебе славу возсылаем, Отцу и Сыну и Святому Духу, ныне и присно, и во веки веков. Аминь.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012 21:10

Prayers before battle

Good strong, in the hands of his fate contained men! Remember not my sins, and strengthen me by Thy power over to the suprotivnyya us. Grant me cheerful heart and mind beztrepetno, so fear them not shall I fear less confusing, but in the shadow of the sacred banners of our army will abide faithful to my oath of military until the end. In thy name, O Lord, I come and thy will be done.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012 21:09

Prayer of a Cossack in exile

Верую, Господи, и исповедую, яко Ты еси [воистину] Христос, Сын Бога живаго, пришедый в мир грешныя спасти, от них же первый есмь аз. Еще верую, что по неизреченной милости Твоей Ты простишь прегрешения наши и гнев Твой праведный претворишь в милость и святой вере нашей Христовой не дашь погибнуть от казней антихриста и возвеличишь ее по всей земле. Воскреси нашу милую мать-Родину, во имя праведников Твоих, по высшей любви к ближним положивших жизнь и душу свою за други своя

Wednesday, May 9, 2012 21:05


Верую во единаго Бога Отца, Вседержителя, Творца небу и земли, видимым же всем и невидимым. И во единаго Господа Иисуса Христа, Сына Божия, Единороднаго, Иже от Отца рожденнаго прежде всех век; Света от Света, Бога истинна от Бога истинна, рожденна, несотворенна, единосущна Отцу, Имже вся быша. Нас ради человек и нашего ради спасения сшедшаго с небес и воплотившагося от Духа Свята и Марии Девы, и вочеловечшася.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012 20:58

Prayer before reading spiritual books

Lord Jesus Christ, open your eyes my heart that I hear the words of thine, hath signified, and to do Your will. Hide not thy commandments from me, but open the eyes of my, I was enlightened to the wonders of thy law. Tell me the obscure and hidden wisdom of thine!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012 20:56

Akathist to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Kontakion 1
Thee the Champion Leader triumphant, for they izbavlshesya from evil, thanksgiving vospisuem Tee Rabbi Thy Mother of God, but like the propertied power invincible, from all our troubles free, but call to Thee: Rejoice, O Bride Nenevestnaya.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012 20:54

CANON for Holy Communion

CANON for Holy Communion most pure Body and Blood of the Lord our God Jesus Christ.
The creation of holy Simeon, Novy theologian Metaphrastes, Logofet, the divine racheny interpreters.

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