Wednesday, May 9, 2012 11:39

Where is the ancestral home of the Cossacks?

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Where is the ancestral home of the Cossacks?


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Когда спрашиваешь у сегодняшних казаков, откуда произошло казачество, все в один голос говорят: «Известное дело – с Дона». Однако не все так просто. Рек с названием «Дон» или производными от него – великое множество по всей Евразии. Кто они – казаки? Что значит слово «казак»? Для ответа на эти вопросы придется углубиться в древнейшую историю человечества и представить на суд читателей одну из версий, уходящую в глубь веков.


HYPERBOREYA: Myth or History?

In recent years, many historians, philosophers, linguists, ethnographers (VN Demin, Yuri Petukhov, J., NR Guseva, N. Novgorod and others agree that the ancestral home of modern human civilization was the Northern Eurasia - namely, the regions of the Russian North, Siberia and the Urals.

Linguists say that almost all the languages ​​of Eurasia (except China) and North Africa are descended from Proto-Nostratic one, and historian, and writer Yuri Petukhov, D. argued that the early proto Boreal was the basis for its Russian and already existed in the 35 - 30 millennia BC

JD Petukhov, said: "There were Ruses. Pervonarod. And there were those who were after them. And there were and still are their direct descendants - we are with you. "


    The horse has played in the history of nations is truly an outstanding role. The oldest to date the remains of the domestic horse, relating to the line 6.7 millennia BC It is believed that the horse was domesticated descendants of today's Cossacks, who lived in the forest-steppe yuzhnouralosibirskoy. They invented a harness, saddles, chariots. It was they who were the first Cossacks.

    From the 7th century BC, when it was tamed and domesticated the horse. Let us think now of the word "Cossack". The term "CBS (GOATS)", originally referring to the horse, became the ancestor (the root basis) of a nest single-root words. And the first word in this series - KOZAK (Kosak)! Anyone who rides a horse and who is its owner.

    Male - head of household, owner and organizer of the economy (kozatvy), that is a Cossack.

    The chicks' SOCKET Cossack "

    Scott has been the main wealth of the Cossacks. Here is a "nest" of related words from Kosh-GOAT-households: purse, wallet, Kosh (standard with Cossacks), ataman, treasury, cash (cash-angl.), Costa (old maintenance costs), fold, the owner , farm, goats (for the driver's seat), goats (Stand for sawing wood, Eng. - saw-horse), ace (senior color, master).

    Thus, the braid-tv-a (herds of horses) gave rise to the word "about the Cossacks," and "masters-of-leaf." Where's economy, there begins the desire to settle down, to the arrangement of the economy begins construction of the hut. Originally a nomadic tent was called KAZoy, confirming preserved in the English word CASE - box. But the Italians CASA - it's a house, CASARMA - home to the Army.

    Corral the Slavs called AL-KUT (cf. "nook" - the far corner, a quiet place). He probably placed behind the hut. In English corral - cote, a crib - cot.

    In short, from the root of CBS (horse) for thousands of years since the taming and domestication of the horse before the final settlement of the descendants of the Cossacks in the place of modern living have been many one-root words in languages ​​of different ethnic groups.

    Thus, the Cossack - is, first, a soldier who tamed the horse (Xhosa), and secondly, the owner of the herds of horses (kozatvy - management), and thirdly, the holder of the highest authorities, fourthly, he is - and defender of the property enemies, wild beasts and other dangers, in short, a professional soldier.


    Primitive humans invented clothing, based on the need to protect the body against the climate: cold, heat, rain, etc. The main material commonly served skins of animals.

    But only during the period of patriarchy, when a tribal aristocracy (knights and Cossacks), men's clothing begins to acquire the features of military costume.

    Большие хо­зяйства, ведущие полукоче­вой образ жизни, были своеобраз­ными мини-государствами. И чтобы отличать «своих» от «чужих», каж­дое хозяйство имело собственные знаки отличия в виде особых украшений одежды: нашивных бляшек на каф­танах и штанах, вышивок и полосок по швам (лампасов), султанов из пе­рьев или блях на шапках, различных пряжек и застежек, браслетов, гри­вен. Все это было призвано показать власть и достаток, их владельцев.

    A striking example is the clothing and jewelry Sakas and Scythians (Cossacks 1st millennium BC). Their clothing consisted of dressed (tanned) skin fur side inside. Scythians and Sakas used as wool, linen, felt, hemp and hemp.

    Мужчины носили кафтаны и куртки. Рукава подворачивались и образовывали меховую опуш­ку. Украшался кафтан золотыми бляшками, нашивками, вышивкой. Подпоясывался широким поясом. Шаровары носили поверх обуви, они удерживались проходящими под ступней лямками (для удобства верховой езды). Подобные лямки используются и сейчас в современ­ном военном костюме. Неширокие штаны (анаксириды) заправлялись в сапоги или обвязывались вокруг щиколотки. По боковому шву штаны украшались вышивкой, полосками и т.п., что указывало на принадлеж­ность владельца к определенному роду . Это были своего рода лампасы. Сапоги имели вид кожано­го чулка, плотно облегающего ступ­ню и щиколотку. Часто для удобства носок у сапог был загнут вверх. У ски­фов, саков, сарматов и савроматов были в употреблении и рукавицы.

    Such clothing and footwear were also Hittite, Hurrian, Assyrian and Persian warriors. The Hittites used the gloves. They all wore peaked caps on their heads from the thick solid felt or leather (kirbasii or hoods), as well as a special kind of Bashlykov with long and short nazatylnikom headphones, which protected them from the steppe winds and frost.

    Головные уборы обязатель­но особым образом украшались. С тех далеких времен вошла в оби­ход русского военного головно­го убора кокарда. Само это слово восходит к древнеиранскому «кок («хох») – «высокий». Для сравнения приведем немецкое «Хох» – вверх и русское «хохол» – торчащий клок волос или перьев на голове. Второй элемент в слове «кокарда» – «орда», значит род. Если перевести на русский, получим «верховный в роду». Таким образом, кокарда – показатель принадлежно­сти к касте воинов (казаков), а так­же и показатель принадлежности к определенному казачьему роду. Древ­нейшими кокардами были султаны из перьев, а также золотые бляшки, нашиваемые на переднюю часть клобука.

    Since then, various roundels, round or oval, metal or enamel, plumes of feathers, plumes are present on military headgear in many nations of Eurasia, showing the soldiers belonging to the army of a state.

    Pants, who invented the tamed horse Cossacks, became part of the military costume, first in Assyria (3 BC), then in Persia and India (2nd millennium BC), which came from the Ural Cossacks.

    Byzantine garb of a warrior (5-15 cc.) Is almost completely copied the Scythian military costume. In ancient Greece (6-4 cc. BC) wore only trousers Scythian policemen.

    The Romans only the end of his empire in the 3rd century BC knew the advantages of pants from the "barbarian" Germanic raids which they unsuccessfully tried to reflect.

    Ancient Cossacks (Sakas and Scythians) also wore cloaks made of leather, felt or fur, which are fastened on the chest brooches. In form they resembled the cloak. Men and women adorned themselves with earrings, rings, torques, necklaces, bracelets. Wore patterned belt.

    So, the ancient Cossack pastoralist tribes in Russia for 6.5 millennium BC, that is, from the beginning of "horse (Cossack) era" in the history of mankind, was developed by high culture of manufacture and decoration of clothing, footwear and headgear that laid the foundation for the formation of the modern male costume, and war among the peoples of Eurasia.

    How the WORD "Villages"?

    Large wandering hoyaystv involves a stopover and the unit mills for recreation, accommodation and generally for temporary residence. In Russian, there is a nest of related words with the roots of the STAN-STO: to become, to stop, stand, park, camp (field, military, Cossack), stall (for cattle), the village, station, encampment, etc.

    Если внимательно изучить кар­ту, то мы заметим, что наибольшее количество названий с формантом «стан» встречается к юго-востоку, юго-западу и югу от Урала: Башкор­тостан, Татарстан, Узбекистан, Тур­кменистан (Туркестан), Казахстан со столицей в Астане, Афганистан, Пакистан, Индостан, Белуджистан (пров. в Индии), Балтистан (обл. в штате Кашмир), Дардистан (обл. в Афганистане), Аазистан (обл. на побережье в Турции). Осетины (западные иранцы) часто называют Осетию Иристоном, а армяне Ар­мению – Айастаном. Сохранивши­еся топонимы четко показывают те пути, по которым двигались в стари­ну казаки.

    Но часть географических назва­ний, естественно, исчезла или при­обрела совершенно новый, порой не­узнаваемый облик. Так, в 3–7 веках в Иране существовало персидское государство с правящей династией Сасанидов. В этом государстве был ряд «царств», в том числе Сакастан (Систан) – «стан саков» и Керман (Персидская Германия). В Древней Бактрии, где жили индоевропейцы­тохары, был Тохаристан.

    In England there is a city Boston. It turns out that even in the 12th century it was called Botuluestan, in the 13th century - Botolfston. City of Brighton in 1086 was called Beorthelmestune (Beort-helm-Stune), later - Braythelmston and only in the 19th century received its present name Brighton. Bristol in 1068 was recorded under the name Brigstov, where the brig - Old English - "Bridge" and "ists" - "a meeting place."

    In the south, Scandinavia to the present day village is Dumsten. Once inhabited by tribes of the south peninsula Dumnov (Danes), and can be read as Dumsten Dunstan (mill Danes). To the Russian root "hundred-stan '(be, become) ascends the German word" Stadt "and the American State (State).

    How does having a German-speaking countries, these place names? From the Iranian Union of Cossack Saka tribes spun off "the sons of Saks' - Saxon (Saxe), and in Germany by 3-4 centuries have created a tribal alliance Saxony. In the 5-6 centuries some of them settled in Britain (Angles and Saxons), founding here their "mills."

    In modern Russia, the Cossacks are actively being revived on the basis of its great historical past millennia, and realizing a truly outstanding role played by coaches horse, business executives and organizers of world order - COSSACKS - in the history of human civilization.

Read 184 time Last modified on Thursday, May 31, 2012 14:03
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