Friday, May 4, 2012 22:06

Sacrament of Baptism

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The Holy Church calls baptism the second birth. In this booklet the reader will find the necessary information about the succession of baptism and the deepest sense of the sacraments of the church.

В наше время, когда традиции воспитания в вере по большей части утеряны, человек чаще всего приходит к Богу путем скорбей или нравственных исканий. Устав от непрочности материальных ценностей и относительности душевных, мы ищем поддержку во Христе, в Его спасительных заповедях и утешительных обетованиях. Нередко желание креститься возникает у людей, которые не знают православного учения в должной мере, тем не менее признают высокий нравственный авторитет Православной Церкви и хотят приобщиться к ее святыне и благодати.

Entering the church, otherwise called the churching, begins with the sacrament of holy baptism - the first of the seven sacraments of the Church. It is also called the second (spiritual) birth.


The word "sacrament," says that the mystery in this action (not visible) is present the Lord than it is different from the ritual or tradition, and the priest only acts as a mediator or a witness, as stated in one of the prayers, between the believer and God .

In the Gospel of the Lord commandeth, Verily, istinnogovoryu thee, Except a man be born of water and the Spirit, he can not enter the kingdom of God. Born of the flesh estplot, and born of the Spirit is spirit (John 3, 5-6). Thus, baptism - it is the sacrament of spiritual birth.

In the baptism of a man mysteriously dies for the sins and passions (ministry rejects them), and resurrected with Christ to new life, which leads to eternal life. All of this suggests that baptism - an event as important as the appearance of man on earth.

Baptism cleanses the first man from all his sins, voluntary and involuntary. From the baptismal font of the soul comes out refreshed and enlightened. For an infant, just born into this world, it is also important clearing damaged by sin nature, which he, unfortunately, always inherit from their parents.

The sacrament of baptism originates from the commandments of the Savior of the apostles: Go, teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even until the end of (Mt 28, 19-20).

These wonderful words of Christ roads each believer's heart, but at the same time we hear about what a person needs to know the doctrine, which he accepts, and learn to keep the commandments of Christ.

Издревле крещению предшествовало ознакомление со спасительным учением нашей Церкви. В ранней Церкви подготовка к крещению занимала от нескольких месяцев до трех лет. Готовившиеся принять это Таинство постепенно постигали жизнь Церкви, изучали Священное Писание, основы веры, участвовали в общей молитве (но не в церковных Таинствах). Крещение тогда совершалось на Пасху, и впоследствии это приготовление дало начало предпасхальному периоду, который стал называться Великим постом.

Now the sacrament of baptism is performed throughout the year, so being prepared to be baptized must first have a strong desire to follow Christ and live the life of the Church, that is to participate in the sacraments of the church in worship, in prayer and fasting.

Usually coming baptized need to know at least a symbol of faith - a summary of the truths of Christianity, the commandments of God - the basics of Christian life and prayer "Our Father." Often, the temples being catechetical, or catechetical, talks to help wishing to be baptized. In any case, there is the opportunity to seek clarification from the priest.

This is definitely for adults only members of the Church. Children can not yet be aware of the received doctrine and knowingly combined with Christ, so the Mystery of the children whose parents are religious people and we intend to raise their children in the Orthodox faith, elected by the cross.

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