

Saturday, May 19, 2012 12:03


New Publications

History of the Cossacks

A Brief History of the Union of Cossacks, Russia

May 10, 2012
Краткая история Союза казаков России

All-Russian public organization "Union of Cossacks" was established June 29, 1990 delegates to the Constituent Circle Cossacks (from the entire territory of the Soviet Union) as a representative of the national association, acting not only ...

Thursday, May 17, 2012 15:51



Tuesday, May 15, 2012 18:36


Here is a video, just need to know where to get.

Monday, May 14, 2012 19:23

Our banners

Static banners:

The size of 100x100 px



The size of 150x110 px




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The size of 500x100 px



Animated banners:

The size of 100x100 px



The size of 150x100 px



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The size of 500x100 px


Lord, give me peace of mind to find anything that would give me this day. Lord, give me a totally surrender to the will of Thy holy. Lord, on this day, every hour throughout the instruct and support me. Lord, show me Your will for me and around me. Lord, what ever I got the news during the day, let me take them to the late soul and firm conviction that all the Holy be Thy will.

Thursday, May 10, 2012 15:14

In the difficulties and dangers

Read the 90th Psalm in the Old Church Slavonic

Живый в помощи Вышняго, в крове Бо­га Небеснаго водворится. Речет Господеви: Заступник мой еси и Прибежище мое, Бог мой, и уповаю на Него. Яко Той изба­вит тя от сети ловчи, и от словесе мятежна, плещма Своима осенит тя, и под кри­ле Его надеешися: оружием обыдет тя ис­тина Его. Не убоишися от страха нощнаго, от стрелы летящия во дни, от вещи во тьме преходящия, от сряща, и беса полуденнаго. Падет от страны твоея тысяща, и тьма одесную тебе, к тебе же не приближится, обаче очима твоима смотриши, и воздая-ние грешников узриши.

Thursday, May 10, 2012 15:13

Daily prayer Defender

O Lord God, You vouchsafed me a sinner and unworthy to serve my country, to carry out debt Defender of the Fatherland! Rely with his whole being, heart and spirit of the holy Thy will. I beseech Thee, O Lord of Mankind, that my hand and weapons were aimed at a just cause, and not to become to me a sinner, and passionate, an instrument of evil and injustice.

Thursday, May 10, 2012 15:12

Prayer Warriors Nebesnm patrons

"Who is like God" is the name of it. Prince of the great, the leader of the army of the Lord, Archangel calls it the Holy Scriptures.

This - the Archangel Michael. It was he who led the war against the devil, when he rebelled against God. And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon and his angels fought against them, but resisted and did not find was their place in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the devil and Satan (Rev. 12, 7-9).

Thursday, May 10, 2012 15:10

Prayer to the Holy Archangel Michael

Святый и великий Архангеле Божий Михаиле, неисповедимыя и пресущественныя Троицы первый во Ангелех предстоятелю, рода же человеческаго приставниче и хранителю, сокрушивый с воинствы своими главу прегордаго денницы на небеси и посрамляяй выну злобу и коварства его на земли! К тебе прибегаем с верою и тебе молимся с любовию, буди щит не­сокрушим и забрало твердо Святей Церкви и православному отечеству нашему, ограждая их молниеносным мечем твоим от всех враг видимых и невидимых.

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