Saturday, May 5, 2012 00:00

How often should administer the sacrament of young children?

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Babies are often well-administer the sacrament, as we believe that the adoption of Holy Communion taught us in the health of body and soul. And the baby is sanctified as the sins of the poor, his by nature solid connecting with the Lord in the Sacrament of Holy Communion.
But when the children start to grow up and when they are already know that it's blood and body of Christ and that this shrine, it is very important not to turn the Communion in the weekly process, before the Cup when they frolic and suited to her, not really thinking about what they do.

And if you see that your child raskapriznichalsya before the service, brought you to where the priest preached a little too long, had a fight with someone from their peers, standing right there in the service, do not let it to the Cup.

Let him realize that not every state can be approached Communion. It will only reverent attitude to it.
And it would be better to let a few less than you would like, take communion, but to understand, for what comes into the church. It is important that parents have begun to treat the child as a Communion to some magicism, shifting to God that we must do.

However, because the Lord expects from us what we can and should do for themselves, including in relation to our children. And just where our forces there, it makes up for the grace of God.

As stated in the other sacraments - "feeble heals, restores is lacking." But what you can, do it yourself.

Parents should help children to write notes to confession?

The main thing that parents should be avoided when preparing the child to the confession, including the first - is it nagovarivaniya lists of those sins, which from their point of view, he has, or rather, the automatic transfer of some of its not the best qualities in the category of sins, in which he must repent priest.

And, of course, in any case can not ask a child after a confession that he said to my father and that he told him in reply, and do not forget about whether it is such and such a sin.

In this case, parents need to step back and realize that the confession, even seven-man - a mystery.
Вмешательство кого бы то ни было в Таинство церковное, особенно такое деликатное, как Таинство Исповеди, является совершенно неприемлемым. И любое вторжение туда, где есть только Бог, исповедующийся человек и принимающий исповедь священник, пагубно. Ребенок может поделиться тем, что он говорил, если ему самому захотелось. Но не надо показывать нашу чрезвычайную в этом заинтересованность.
He told me - well, no - do not worry ...
Most children are told not what they said in confession, and what you hear from the priest.

Останавливать их в этом не нужно, но входить в какое-либо обсуждение и толкование слов священника или, тем более, критику, если это не совпадает с тем, что, на наш взгляд, необходимо было бы нашему ребенку услышать, нельзя. Более того, нельзя, исходя из этих слов ребёнка, потом идти и что-то выяснять у священника. Или пытаться ему помочь правильнее обращаться с собственным чадом: знаете, батюшка, вот Вася сказал мне, что Вы ему дали такой совет, а я-то знаю, что он Вам не вполне правильно все изложил, поэтому Вы не вполне разобрались, и лучше бы Вам в следующий раз сказать ему то-то и то-то. От такого материнского напора, безусловно, нужно себя удерживать.

In those cases where it is needed to bring awareness to the parishioners, it should bring up a message, through the confession of committing the organization itself, through multiple pre-notification of the fact that we should not get too close, we can not respond in some way, if you do randomly heard during confession.

Can I take special interviews with parents and ancestors of their delicate relation to the confession of children and grandchildren. All this, of course, in one form or another can take place.

How to teach a child to confess?

Encourage your children need rather than to how the confession, but by itself necessity of confession.

Through personal example, through the ability to openly confess their sins to their families before their child, if you make him guilty.

Through our relationship to ConfessionBecause when we go to communion, and are aware of our non-peaceful or those offenses, which were given to others, we must first come to terms with all.

And all of this taken together can not educate children reverential attitude towards this sacrament.

A master teacher the child is to repent, to be a performer of the Sacraments - the priest.

After repentance - it is not only a kind of inner state, but also the sacrament of the church. Confession is not by chance that the sacrament of Penance. Depending on the measure of spiritual maturity of the child it should sum up to the first confession.

Problem parents - explain what the confession and why it is needed. They should explain to your child that a confession has nothing to do with his report in front of them or in front of the school principal. It is then only that we are aware of how bad and evil in us, how bad and dirty, and what we are not happy about what's hard to say and what to say to God.

And then this area of ​​teaching to be passed into the hands of an attentive, decent, loving, spiritual, because it is given in the Sacrament of the Priesthood of grace help talk to the person, including and small, of his sins.
And it is more natural to talk to him about repentance than his parents, because this is the case when it is impossible and unprofitable to appeal to their own examples or examples known to him.
Telling your child, as you repent for the first time - this is something false and false nazidatelstvo.

We are not to repent, to someone else talk about it. At least it would be false to tell him about how our loved ones through repentance away from the sins of any, because it would mean at least indirectly, to judge and evaluate the sins in which they stayed.

Therefore reasonable to give the child all in the hands of someone who put a teacher from God, the sacrament of Confession.

Can a child choose for myself what a priest to confess?

If the heart is a little man feels that he wanted to confess it was this priest, who may be younger, polaskovee than the one to whom you are walking, or, perhaps, attracted by his preaching, trust your child, let him go there, where he was nobody and nothing will stop to repent of their sins before God.

And even if it is not immediately be determined in their choice, even if it is the first solution will not be the most reliable, and he soon realizes that his father John did not want to, and wants his father to Peter, give him to choose and to settle it.
Finding spiritual fatherhood - the process is very delicate, intrinsically intimate, and do not need to intrude into it. So you are more help to the child.

А если в результате своего внутреннего духовного поиска ребенок скажет, что его сердце прилепилось к другому приходу, куда ходит подруга Таня, и что ему там больше нравится – и как поют, и как священник разговаривает, и как люди друг к другу относятся, то мудрые родители-христиане, конечно же, порадуются за этот шаг своего отрока и не будут со страхом или недоверием думать: а поехал ли он на службу, и, собственно, почему он не там, где мы?

Our children need preporuchat God, then He Himself will save them.

I do think that sometimes the very important and useful to parents of their children, since some of their age, to send to another parish, that they were not with us, not our eyes, to avoid any temptation of a typical parent - peripheral vision check, but as there is our child, whether the prayer is not talking there, why he was not admitted to Communion, for which such sins?

Maybe we did, indirectly, to understand the conversation with the priest? That's from these experiences is almost impossible to get rid of, if your child is with you in the temple.

When children are small, then the parent inspect reasonably understandable and necessary, and when they become a child, then perhaps it is better to stop this kind of courage intimacy with them, away he went away from their lives, to belittle themselves in order to have more of Christ, and smaller than you.

How to bring the children reverence for Communion and worship?

First of all, you need to own parents love the Church, Church life, and love it every man, including a little. And loving the Church is able to convey to her baby. This is important, and everything else - is just a specific technique.

I remember the story of Archpriest Vladimir Vorobyov, who as a child led to the Communion only once or twice a year, but he remembers one this time, and when it was, and how it was a spiritual experience.
Тогда, в сталинское время, в церковь часто ходить было нельзя. Так как если бы тебя увидели даже твои товарищи, то это могло грозить не только потерей образования, но и тюрьмой. И отец Владимир вспоминает каждый свой приход в церковь, который был для него великим событием. Не могло быть и речи о то, чтобы на службе шалить, переговариваться, болтать со сверстниками. Нужно было прийти на литургию, помолиться, причаститься Святых Христовых Таинств и жить ожиданием следующей такой встречи.

I think that we need to understand the Communion, including small children in a time of relative consciousness, not only as a medicine in the health of body and soul, but as something infinitely more important. Even as a child it should be seen primarily as a connection with Christ.

The main thing you need to think - to visit the service and communion are for a child not to those to which we pressed in, and that it must be earned.

We must try to rebuild both our relations within the family to worship, so we are not pulling your boy communion, and he himself would have after a certain way, it prepares to take Holy Communion, receive the right to come and join in the liturgy.

И, быть может, лучше, чтобы воскресным утром мы бы не тормошили своего развлекавшегося в субботу вечером ребенка: «Вставай, на литургию опаздываем!», а он бы, проснувшись без нас, увидел, что дом-то пуст. И оказался и без родителей, и без церкви, и без праздника Божиего. Пусть он до этого лишь на полчаса приходил на службу, к самому причастию, но все равно не может не почувствовать некоторое несоответствие воскресного лежания в постели тому, что должен в это время делать каждый православный христианин. Когда же сами вернетесь из церкви, не упрекните своего отрока словами. Быть может, ваша внутренняя скорбь по поводу его отсутствия на литургии даже действенней отзовется в нем, чем десять родительских понуканий «а ну пойди», «а ну подготовься», «а ну прочитай молитвы».

Therefore, parents of the child is conscious of his age should never be encouraged to confession or communion. And if they will be able to restrain himself in this, then God's grace always touches his soul and will help in the sacraments of the church is not lost.

Archpriest Maxim Kozlov.

Read 72 time Last modified on Monday, May 21, 2012 22:08
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