Encyclopedia of the Cossacks (13)

Thursday, May 10, 2012 13:57


"Great Brotherhood of the Cossack troops"
EKR "CENTRAL Cossack troops"
Fundamental Studies "

Political, socio-economic situation that has arisen under the influence of external and internal factors in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine after the deliberate destruction of the Soviet Union, is extremely complex and contradictory.

In Russia, still continues a systemic crisis caused by the failure of the democratic government to undertake a nationally oriented domestic and foreign policy in line with the interests and aspirations of the people.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012 12:45


Keepers of the customs were elderly. Not taking any official position in the structure of the Cossack authorities, they have always played a huge role in public opinion, which was the basis of Cossack democracy. Without the approval of any disposal of old chieftain, or the Board is not satisfied.
At the words "old sumlevayutsya" or "dyady will not allow!" Issues fell away by themselves.
Taking any decision required Ataman consulted with the old, and enlisted their support. Thus, not having any legal or legislative rights, the elderly have memory and conscience of the village and played a significant role in it.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012 12:30

The ideology of the Cossack

Cossacks - the people having their own culture, history and memory. The glorious past of Cossacks, and covenants of the ancestors of the case allow us to proudly say: "Thank you, Lord, that we are Cossacks".

Cossacks in general has always been above the personal. The Cossacks have always served his native land - Holy Russia, its people and their government.
The Cossacks! We - the descendants and heirs of the pioneers who created Russia.

Monday, May 7, 2012 16:06


Cossacks - the people having their own culture, history and memory. The glorious past of Cossacks, and covenants of the ancestors of the case allow us to proudly say: "Thank you, Lord, that we are Cossacks".

Cossacks in general has always been above the personal. The Cossacks have always served his native land - Holy Russia, its people and their government.
The Cossacks! We - the descendants and heirs of the pioneers who created Russia.

Monday, May 7, 2012 16:02

Organization and management

Writes SG Elatontsev. Cossack village Kremenskoy, WSC (1886-1955, USA), publicist and public figure of the Cossack countries, in 40-50s - publisher of "Obschekazachego Journal" (USA).
"... The Cossacks - this phenomenon is unusual, exceptional in the history of all nations ... in the desert wilderness, away from the culture and science, the natural intelligence of the Cossacks forged a marvelous device naispravedliveyshego form of human society, spiritualized her ideas, which even now are an unrivaled pattern of social and political construction.
Monday, May 7, 2012 16:00

What was the Cossack wedding?

Какой смысл сегодня мы вкладываем в слово «свадьба»? Скорее, это протокольное мероприятие, регистрация отношений в ЗАГСе. У наших же предков все было по-иному. Еще сто, двести лет назад свадьба была настоящим событием для всей станицы, вобравшим вековые устои дедов и прадедов. В наши дни побывать на такой казачьей свадьбе можно вряд ли, однако кое-какие элементы ее все же сохранились. Каким был свадебный цикл баталпашинских казаков — знает исследователь быта и традиций казаков Верхней Кубани Марина Куракеева.

Remember, brother, that the Cossacks:
Friendship - is;
Partnership - the tradition;
Hospitality - the law
Monday, May 7, 2012 15:52

Cossack Retired

One form of Cossack society was gathering. With a large similarity with the terms of the Cossack, he had significant basic differences.
Data collection was carried out on the descent of the same order as in the circle, but it is usually invited all residents of the village, including women and people from other cities. The principal difference from the vanishing of the Circle was the fact that it has not been a vote, did not dare to fundamental issues and not put issues affecting the community.
If the circle was an organization that generates long-term political program, served as a legislative assembly, the Gathering was the social organization of the executive.

Monday, May 7, 2012 15:45

Rights and obligations of the Cossack

Правом на вступление в казачье общество имеет любой православный казак по отцу или матери, а главное, осознающий себя казаком и живущий по принципам казачества. Правом присутствия на кругах, сходах, правом быть избранным на любую должность, правом свободно излагать и отстаивать свои взгляды, как на развитие казачьей общины, так и всего казачества, традиционно обладают мужчины, православные казаки. Основанием для вступления в казачье общество служит личное заявление вступающего, с последующим поручительством трех членов этого общества: от товарища вступающего, совета стариков, от члена атаманского правления. Кроме поручительства обязательно благословение священника. Прием производится простым большинством голосов на кругу.

The adoption of the Cossacks is a legal act of the circular that grants received all or part of the rights and duties of a Cossack. Here a distinction is made between the Cossacks and adopted in a Cossack by birth.

You can "serve as the Cossacks," live in "Cossacks," but a full Cossack (without blame) can not be. They could only be adopted grandchildren and great-grandchildren Cossack, and then only if they live among the Cossacks, Cossack service and are getting married on the Cossack, as reflected in the documents.

The same applies to the woman - a Cossack. Although she has, being the wife of the Cossack, all legal rights, but among the rest of his Cossack Cossack day is not considered, so it includes more tolerant of the indigenous Cossack would be blamed, as ignorance of the customs or incivility. Nonresident woman can become a Cossack only through marriage.

Monday, May 7, 2012 15:33

The order of the Cossack Circle

Traditionally, the Cossacks Cossack circle is the symbol of any of the popular assembly. The circles are divided into the gross, army, divisional (district), and the hamlet stanitsa.

Circles decided all public affairs and with full independence and democracy of the Cossack communities are full members meeting. Lowest around (to go) and a Cossack hamlet. Their decisions may revise or suspend the terms of higher order - The army and divisional.

According to its purpose and the issues tackled Circles may be ordinary, extraordinary, and the constituent.

Monday, May 7, 2012 12:18

Cossack domostroj

Cossack domostroj
For years, the school we hammered contempt for the very concept of "domostroj." This attitude began to take shape in a noble, and then in raznochintsy environment, influenced by Western, including the French revolutionary ideas.
    А ведь «Домострой», впервые составленный при Иване Грозном, был огромным культурным достижением России, поскольку в нем закреплялись и регламентировались наиболее рациональные, проверенные веками, традиционные отношения в семье. Под руководством Церкви из всего многообразия обычаев и традиций отбирались наиболее гуманистические и наиболее пригодные к русскому пониманию и быту. Не случайно «Домострой», как главная книга для семейного пользования, дожил в России до XX века.


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