Saturday, May 5, 2012 6:49

Sacrament of Priesthood

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Sacrament of the Priesthood, as well as other ordinances, has two aspects: external and internal.

Outside of the таинства составляет святительское рукоположение с молитвой. Употребление рукоположения как символа благословения и передачи другому власти, полученной от Бога, встречается еще в Ветхом Завете (Быт. 48, 14; Чис. 27, 23; Втор. 34, 9). В христианской Церкви, с самого начала ее существования, рукоположение является как необходимая принадлежность таинства Священства. Святые апостолы, получив власть от Самого Иисуса Христа, не иначе передавали ее своим преемникам, как через рукоположение (Деян. 6, 6; 13, 3; 14, 23), и заповедали им поступать в свою очередь так же (1 Тим. 4, 14; 5, 22; 2 Тим. 1, 6). Православная Церковь всегда следовала этой заповеди со всей строгостью.

The inner side of the sacraments составляет благодать Святого Духа, преподаваемая лицам, рукополагаемым во диакона, священника и епископа. Уже в Священном Писании говорится об избрании на эти служения определенных лиц и преподании им Святого Духа чрез рукоположение (Деян. 6, 10; Еф. 3, 2; 1 Тим. 4, 14; Деян. 8, 29; 13, 2 и др.). И Церковь всегда исповедовала, что в таинстве Священства рукополагаемому преподается особая благодать Святого Духа для прохождения служения Церкви, и свою веру выражает в молитвах, употребляемых при посвящении на разные степени священства.


The sacrament

Таинство это установлено Самим Господом Иисусом Христом, который избрал апостолов из числа Своих слушателей и учеников и дал им власть учить и совершать таинства, и по вознесении ниспослал им Святого Духа, облекшего их потребными для их служения силами (Деян. 1, 8; 2, 4). С тех пор зажженный Божественный огонь благодати Святого Духа хранится в Церкви и преемственно передается из рода в род. Наглядным и символическим знаком этой преемственной связи благодатных даров и власти священства служит рукоположение, употребляющееся для низведения на посвящаемых лиц благодати Святого Духа.

The clergy and church

Persons over which the sacrament of the priesthood, - the clergy - there are three degrees in the Church: the bishop, priest and deacon.

Dedication to this extent the church hierarchy is made after the passage of lower grades of the clergy, who are like a prep. Persons of lower degrees of the clergy, or the so-called. clergymen, include: the reader, singer (sveschenosets) and subdeacon.

CONCEPT OF consecration and HIROTESII

Sacrament of the Priesthood, perpetrated through the laying on of hands, still called the consecration (the word is derived from the Greek heir - hand and teino - spreads). Consecrated bishop is always performed during the liturgy, and, moreover, at the altar.

Dedication to the lower level of the clergy: narrator, singer (sveschenostsa) and subdeacon takes place through the blessing of the Bishop - through the rite of hands, called hirotesiey (from the Greek heir - hand and tifimi - confer, appoint). Hirotesiya performed by Bishop outside the sanctuary, in the middle of the church and the liturgy (usually before the liturgy).


Dedication (hirotesiya) in the reader and singer. Position reader or singer is to read, sing and kanonarshit in the church, as well as wearing a candle before the Gospel, the great entrance before the Blessed Sacrament, to serve at the altar (sacristan duties), and so on. Therefore, the rank at the initiation into the reader and the novice singer called by one name "sveschenostsa."

Посвящение в чтеца и певца совершается среди церкви пред началом литургии, сразу по облачении архиерея (перед чтением часов или во время их чтения). Посвящение может совершаться одновременно не над одним, а над несколькими избранными в эту должность. Иподиаконы приводят избранного (или избранных) в должность чтеца или певца на середину храма, вместе творят три поклона к алтарю и затем архиерею. Подойдя к архиерею, посвящаемый преклоняет главу, а архиерей, осенив его крестным знамением, возлагает на него руки и читает первую молитву. В ней он испрашивает благословение Божие на служение посвящаемого как свещеносца, просит Бога:

"Thy servant, Thy predhoditi sveschenostsa Holy Sacrament izvolivshago, adorn Thy undefiled and immaculate clothes: yes enlightened, and in the future shit Weeze, conceive an imperishable crown of life, with joy in Thy chosen prisnosuschem bliss."

After that, sung troparia: the apostles, St. John Chrysostom, Basil the Great and Gregory the Theologian. (According to the Constitution laid before troparions "Blessed is our God" and the usual start, if the dedication is not done during the reading hour.)

At this time, the bishop committed recitalist and singer through the cross-shaped tonsure, uttering the words: "In the name of the Father (Archdeacon, and the novice said," Amen ") and son (the same" Amen ") and of the Holy Spirit (the same" Amen ") .

Needless initiate vows at the exposition of the Blessed Simeon of Thessalonica, it means the dedication and donation entirely to the service of God. Cruciform tonsure, with the pronunciation of the name of the Most Holy Trinity, serves as a reminder that the Lord Jesus Christ is the embodiment of the Cross and His blessed the whole world, and the Triune God is the creator and finisher of all.

After that the vows are no longer repeated, though built after the reader or singer to the highest degree of the priesthood.

In a sign of consecration to God and separation from the society of ordinary believers, after the vows and the singer puts the reader in a short chasuble, which is the "firstfruits of the holy garments," and "the beginning of the priesthood." She dresses in the "neck", a sign that "he comes under the yoke of the priesthood and devoted to the service of God, comes under the protection of God Himself" (Archbishop Benjamin. New Tablet).

After this, the bishop blessed chapter is devoted to three times, and laid her hand, read the second prayer of him as a narrator and singer.

The bishop prays: "O Lord God Almighty, therefore choose this thy servant, and sanctify it and grant it with all wisdom and reason, by word of Thy divine teaching, and read by tvoriti, keeping it in immaculate residence."

At the end of this prayer the novice (and making a bow to the bishop looked towards the east), reads part of the Apostle as a sign that his first duty is to read the Holy Scriptures.

After that, it is removed felony and, on the threefold blessing of the bishop hand, surplice worn. Before putting on his surplice bishop blesses the surplice (cross over), and the initiate, who kisses the cross on the surplice and the bishop's hand.

As the bishop's vestments says novoposvyaschennomu sermon on the duty reader - first, the lower, the degree of the priesthood.

Following the teachings of the bishop says:

"Blessed be the Lord! Xie byst servant of God (name) the reader of the holy church (name), in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. "

And give him a candlestick with a candle, which he has before the bishop, and which stands on a particular place (the iconostasis), before the bishop.

Dedication (hirotesiya) in subdeacon. Dedication is also committed to the subdeacon of the church before the liturgy, immediately after the bishop's vestments. Sometimes it happens in the dedication of one and the same day, with a dedication to the reader and singer. Sometimes, if the latter was already committed to another day, initiation into the subdeacon is before the dedication of the person on the same day in the liturgy of the diaconate.

If the initiation subdeacon follows the initiation of a reader, then as soon as the vestments of the singer in a surplice subdeacons brings Bishop stole ("stiharny Time"). The bishop blesses the stole, and the novice, taking his hand and stole kisses Bishop. Subdeacons opoyasuyut initiate a cross.

Иподиакон изображает служение Ангелов; поэтому ему при посвящении дается орарь, которым он опоясуется крестообразно, для изображения крыльев, которыми закрываются Херувимы, предстоя Престолу Божию. Опоясуется иподиакон орарем (по Симеону Солунскому) и в знак того, что «он с настоящего времени смирением, целомудрием чресл своих и чистотою должен стяжать себе одежду чистоты духовной: почему и не может после этого вступать в брак». Но он может пребывать в супружестве, если прежде посвящения вступил в брак — законным образом.

After three aprons orarion bishop blesses the hand on the head of the initiate, and laid his hand on his head, a prayer, which seeks God's blessing on his upcoming ministry - "to posluzheniyu Saints and undefiled Mysteries."

Архиерей молится: «Сего раба Твоего достойна быти, еже служити Святей Твоей Церкви, Сам Владыко безпорочна его во всех сохрани. И даждь ему любити благолепие дому Твоего, предстояти дверем храма святаго Твоего, возжигати светильник селения славы Твоея. И насади его во Святей Твоей Церкви, яко маслину плодовиту, плодоносяща плод правды, и совершена покажи раба Твоего во время пришествия Твоего, благоугодивших Тебе восприяти воздаяние».

По окончании молитвы протодиакон возглашает «Господу помолимся», и совершается положенное после облачения умовение рук архиерея. Для этого новопосвященному иподиаконы дают лохань и возлагают на него полотенце. Новопосвященный иподиакон возливает воду на руки и затем, как и другие иподиаконы, целует руку архиерея и отходит в алтарь. (Здесь он, по Уставу, читая в себе какие знает молитвы, держит «лохань и рукомывало с убрусом» до Херувимской).

При пении Херувимской песни посвященный приводится к царским вратам и снова служит при умывании рук архиерея. (По Уставу, на великом входе он идет позади всех с лоханью и «рукомывалом»). После великого входа иподиакон стоит у царских врат «на уреченном месте по чину», а по возгласе архиерея: «И да будут милости», отводится иподиаконами в алтарь и, приняв благословение от архиерея, становится с иподиаконами.

В обязанность иподиакона, по толкованию Симеона Солунского, Властаря и др., входит: облачать архиерея, прислуживать ему во время богослужения, приготовлять облачение и священные сосуды к священнодействию (иподиакон может касаться только порожних священных сосудов, когда в них не содержатся Святые Тайны), хранить священные сосуды, содержать в чистоте покровы и светильники на престоле и жертвеннике, зажигать светильники на престоле и др.

The ordination (consecration) to the diaconate

Before ordination as a deacon in the first degree of the priesthood, and a protege of fasting is the so-called confession stavlennicheskuyu have appointed bishop of the confessor. Here he confesses in his life.

In the produce only of deacons subdeacons. Therefore, in current practice, in most cases, ordained a deacon on the same day, first dedicated to the subdeacon (if not previously dedicated).

В соответствии с первоначальным установлением и предназначением диаконского достоинства еще в апостольское время (Деян. 6, 1—6) и во все последующие времена, Церковь всегда усвояла диаконам только обязанности служения при совершении священнодействий, но не само совершение их. На таком понимании диаконского служения основывается и сам чин рукоположения во диакона. Так как диакон не совершает Евхаристии, то рукоположение во диакона бывает на литургии после освящения Даров, а именно после возгласа архиерея: «И да будут милости Великаго Бога и Спаса нашего Иисуса Христа со всеми вами» (пред ектенией: «Вся святыя помянувше...»).

Dedication to a deacon may be on the liturgies of St.. John Chrysostom, St. Basil and the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts. Ordination as a priest may be in the first two and does not happen at the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts.

After the specified two exclamation subdeacon are ordained (located in the same rank) from the middle of the church to the king's gate with a proclamation:

"They led" (addressed to the people from whom consent is sought for the next initiation).

"Commandeth" (to the church clergy).

At the entrance to the initiate through the Holy Doors into the altar Archdeacon says:

"They led, His Grace."

In the royal doors shall initiate archdeacon and deacon, the rank which he comes, take incoming hands and introduced before the throne.

The Bishop, sitting on the set at the left (north) side, in front of the throne chair, bowing his blessing to the land protege.

Then the archdeacon ordains encircles around the throne three times. Ordained, bypassing the throne, kisses all four corners of the throne, and after each breaking, bowing to the land of the bishop, kissing omophorion the end (after the first treatment), club (after the second treatment), and the bishop's hand, and then bows to the bishop in the ground.

Троекратным обхождением вокруг престола рукополагаемый выражает обет навсегда посвятить себя служению у престола Божия, пребывая в непрерывном союзе с Церковью; целованием углов престола рукополагаемый выражает свое благоговение к святости престола и свою горячую любовь к Богу. Целованием же омофора, палицы и руки архиерея он выражает сыновнюю покорность, благодарность и почтение к архиерею, чрез которого низводится на него Божия благодать.

During a triple breaking sung around the throne troparia marriage, first to the altar, then the chorus.

In the first troparion: "The Holy Martyr, and others like good stradalchestvovavshii venchavshiisya ..." - martyrs are encouraged as our intercessors with God and with the high conservation of the teacher of faith and purity, and samples of selfless passing of his ministry.

In the second troparion: "Glory to Thee, O Christ, the apostles and martyrs praise joy" - proclaimed ordains that, following the example of the apostles and martyrs, to be ordained the preaching of the consubstantial Trinity, and to serve Christ in word and deed to God, willingly, for suit them, to put the truth of his life.

In the third troparion: "Isaiah, rejoice, in the womb of the Virgin IME parents and son Emmanuel," states that the foundation of the priesthood in the Church was the incarnation of the Son of God, which should call him, pleasing the Holy Virgin. These hymns are sung in a different order than the marriage, because the union of Christ with the Church is famed for the highest manner.

After breaking three times the bishop rises from the chair (which is clean) and becomes the front of the throne to his right side. Ordained after the third three times, breaking the throne of worship, saying:

"God have mercy to me a sinner" (in this case a third time and omophorion bat does not kiss the bishop), and then, becoming the throne at the right front corner, one bends his right knee on the same hand (putting their palms down on the throne of a cross) bows his head .

The novice is on one knee as a sign that it is not fully vested priesthood, but only if the ministry of the Holy Mysteries, but does not commit them. Worship is the head in his hands means he devotes all his strength of body and soul to serving at the altar of God.

At this time, the bishop says the head of the edge omophorion hirotonisuemogo, signifying that the novice is prepared and be a member of the pastoral burden and blessing ordained three times, and laid his hand on his head, after the archdeacon of exclamation: "Let us attend," - in the ears of the whole church (all the exciting to prayer) says the prayer of consecration.

"DIVINE GRACE, ALWAYS weak (weak) and VRACHUYUSCHI is lacking (missing) VOSPOLNYAYUSCHI, PRORUCHESTVUET (Name), BLAGOGOVEYNEYSHAGO Subdeacon a deacon: Pray UBO ABOUT HIM, TO HIM Thy Grace All-Holy Spirit. "

The altar sing: "Lord, have mercy" three times, three times, and the choir «kirie eleison». The choir sings slowly, until the bishop read the prayers.

The bishop blessed thrice initiate and laid his hand on the head, the other two secretly reads the prayer: "O Lord our God" and "O God, our Saviour," which begs the Lord Jesus Christ to save ordained "in all honesty," and give him faith, love, grace and holiness of force to a decent passage of this ministry.

Во время чтения архиереем этих молитв протодиакон произносит вполголоса мирную ектению об архиерее и деле рук его и о «ныне проручествуемом диаконе». (Ектения напечатана в архиерейском Чиновнике буквами, обратно расположенными к буквам молитв, и ее читает протодиакон из Чиновника, одновременно с чтением архиереем тайных молитв, сам стоя впереди архиерея за иподиаконом, держащим Чиновник.)

After finishing the prayers ordained rises, and the bishop "allowed" stole, surrounded by both shoulders, puts it on his left shoulder and cuffs gives the ordained and ripidu who ordained kisses. In laying these garments and delivery ripidy first bishop, and then the choir is pronounced: "Axios» (axios - worthy).

This proclamation is a declaration of what is worthy to be ordained dressed in visible signs of his rank and service (stole, cuffs and ripida), and that he received the grace of the Holy Spirit, became a worthy priesthood entrusted to him to do.

Taking ripidu, ordained kisses the Bishop's hand and shoulder, is on the left side of the throne, and holds over ripidu diskos before exclaiming: "Holy Holy", ie, until the time of communion. (Usually ordained ripidu deposited on the litany before the "Our Father".)

Novopostavlenny first deacon of deacons (after Protodeacon) receives Holy Communion, receiving a preference for updates on this day of God's grace in it (the priesthood).

After transfer of the Blessed Sacrament on the altar novopostavlenny deacon is at the pulpit to the people and says the litany, "I'm sorry didst pick."

In this way he shows his new ministry - to create a petition, calling people to prayer and praise to God.

The ordination (consecration) to the priesthood

Delivered priests, and deacons, the Church has always regarded as a proper right of the bishops. This right is reported to the bishops by the Apostles themselves, as is clear from the words of the Apostle. Paul to the bishops: Titus (1, 5) and Timothy (1 Tim. 5, 22). Indispensable feature of priestly ordain was always laying on the hands and the prayer of the Episcopal bishop.

Currently, the ordination of a priest (presbyter) is performed after the Cherubic Hymn and the transfer of the Blessed Sacrament from the altar to the throne, that is, before the consecration of the Holy Sacrament, ordained a priest to be able to participate in the consecration of the Gifts.

During the Great Entrance the deacon, was ordained a priest, deacon fulfills the ministry, carrying on the head instead of the paten air. He goes in front of all the great input (after sveschenostsami), holding his head in the air at the front ends of two arms, goes behind the solea and become priests.

After the grand entrance (where all the priests enter the sanctuary) was ordained deacon gives the air, so otlagaya diaconal ministry, and stands in the midst of the temple.

После окончания Херувимской песни, — перед благословением архиереем народа трикирием и дикирием и пением «Ис полла», — рукополагаемый творит три поклона, и его из середины церкви ведут протодиакон и диакон, а не иподиаконы, и дальше хиротония совершается таким же образом, как и хиротония во диакона, с тем различием, что: 1) в алтаре принимают посвящаемого священники, в лик которых он вступает; 2) вокруг престола его обводит не протодиакон, а старший из священников (протоиерей или архимандрит). 3) Рукополагаемый во священника преклоняет пред престолом не одно, а оба колена, в знак того, что он принимает и служение большее, и дар высший, чем диакон. При этом возглас «вонмем» произносит входящий священник (а не протодиакон). После «вонмем» архиерей читает совершительную молитву.


"Lord, have mercy" - three times proclaims the whole church. Archdeacon: "Let us pray to the Lord." The bishop blesses the three ordained to the head, believes her hand on his head, and reads two secret prayer, and the high priest (not archdeacon) reads the litany of peace in a low voice.

The first secret prayer: "God without beginning, and endlessly," the bishop prays to God to save novorukopolozhennogo "in immaculate residence and unwavering faith."

The second prayer is the culmination and the end of sovershitelnoy prayer. Keeping all omophorion and hands on his head the initiate, the bishop prays:

«Боже великий в силе и неизследный в разуме, дивный в советех паче сынов человеческих, Сам, Господи, и сего, егоже благоволил еси на пресвитерский взойти степень, исполни Святаго Твоего Духа дара, да будет достоин предстоять непорочно жертвеннику Твоему, вествовати Евангелие Царствия Твоего, священнодействовати слово истины Твоея, приносити Тебе дары и жертвы духовныя, возобновляти люд Твой чрез купель втораго рождения.

Yako, and still, shit in the Second Coming of Great God and Savior Jesus Christ, the Only-begotten Son, conceive bribe blagago ikonomstva his rank, in a variety of Thy grace. " - And praise.

In this prayer, pastoral way of doing nachertyvaetsya: Continued good, blessed, God and man dispensation ("ikonomstva") of salvation in the Church, committed by the grace of Christ through the priest.

Five forces, five of acting and of course, is expressed in the priesthood:

stand before the altar the Atonement, with his life as a sacrifice;

preach the gospel of the kingdom of God, the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ as the true judge of the Saviour of the world;

preach the divine truth and the truth of Christ is its relation to all cases and circumstances of life;

offer gifts and sacrifices spiritual: liturgy, bring a bloodless sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving for all;

show the world God's fatherhood (the symbol of the priest is doing the name of "spiritual father"), water baptism, Holy Spirit and fire of faith in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, people give birth to a new life, to serve their spiritual rebirth.

After reading the prayers, the bishop gives the ordained priestly garments: stole, chasuble, and now, as well as the Missal as a guide for priests. Having served, ordained kisses the fact that it receives, and then the bishop's hand.

In giving to the priests' garments and Sluzhebnik bishop intones: "Axios". The clergy and the choir sang three times, "Axios". Novorukopolozhenny after all, and kisses the hand of the bishop omophorion, leaves and kisses the concelebrants in the ramen as an expression of communion and love which should unite them all, then it becomes a series of priests.

After the consecration of the Blessed Sacrament Bishop gives novoposvyaschennomu discos on another mountain of the Holy Bread ("LDL"), saying:

"Accept this pledge and keep it safe and sound to your breath poslednyago about nemzhe tortured Imashev be alone in the second and terrible Coming of Great Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."

The priest took and kissed the bishop's hand and went away, and stands behind the throne, staying bent over the most pure Body of Christ, lying on his hand, read Psalm 50 and prayed the Lord to strengthen the forces in presenting the great and dreadful priestly ministry.

Before you cry "Holy Holy", it returns the Holy Bread bishop.

Ordained a priest begins to familiarizing the first of the priests (the usual practice - after the first archpriest) to give a preference for the grace of updates from the Divine Spirit.

Before the dismissal, he also reads the Prayer before the Ambo, showing that the people of his accession to power of the priesthood. Novoposvyaschenny after the ordination of seven days in a row makes the liturgy, in compliance with the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, from whom he received the grace of the priesthood.

The ordination (consecration) as Bishop

Церковь в самой глубокой древности поставляла во епископов только лиц пресвитерского достоинства. Для самого поставления во епископа требовалось правильное избрание и законное рукоположение. В древности избрание считалось правильным, когда в нем участвовали, по возможности, все епископы области, а также и народ, который, со своей стороны, свидетельствовал о достоинстве избранного. За избранием следовало само посвящение, которое совершалось исключительно собором епископов чрез возложение рук и Евангелия на главу поставляемого, с произнесением молитв.

Ordain bishops at this time. After the election of a candidate for bishop and approval of the Patriarch and Holy Synod of the Patriarchate is in a building (or Exarcheia), naming him as bishop.

Наречение во епископа состоит в том, что за один или несколько дней до самого рукоположения, в присутствии патриарха и членов Синода (или в присутствии экзарха области и епископов), после обычного начала, пения тропаря и кондака в честь Святого Духа, краткой ектении и отпуста дня Пятидесятницы (обычное начало, ектению и отпуст произносит, возложив на себя епитрахиль, патриарх или первенствующий архиерей), Управляющий делами Московской Патриархии (или экзархии) читает нарекаемому во епископа указ о его избрании. Избираемый отвечает: «Благодарю и приемлю, и нимало вопреки глаголю».

And then he said it, he takes on the rest of the patriarch and the bishops blessing. The ceremony ends with naming mnogoletstvovaniem.

The ordination of a bishop is now usually accomplished council of bishops, headed by a patriarch, or at least the council of three, and at least two Bishops (Apostolic Canon 1-e).

Testing of the newly elected bishop happens on the day before the dedication liturgy. Before the end of the hours of the bishops, who should devote betrothed, accompanied by clergy, out of the altar in full dress and sit in the seat at the chair in the middle of the temple.

Chaplain, and Archdeacon, having the blessing of the Patriarch, go to the altar, take the supplied, dressed in all the priestly garments, and having made (three times) worship before the throne (two and one belt to the ground) lead him to the chair in the middle of the church, delivering on the edge Great Eagle Rug. Archdeacon intones:

"An bogolyubezneyshy elected and confirmed Bishop hirotonisatisya God-preserved city (the name)."

The Patriarch then asked:

"Cheso sake of art come, and on our dimension chesogo prosishi? And do you believe kako? "

Novice says: "The consecration was bishop of grace ...", and then Symbol confesses the Orthodox faith.

После второго и третьего вопроса: «како исповедуеши о свойствах трех ипостасей непостижимаго Божества» и «яже о вочеловечении ипостаснаго Сына и Слова Божия?» — посвящаемый подробно излагает исповедание веры о трех ипостасях Триединого Бога и особо излагает учение о воплощении Бога Слова. После каждого ответа посвящаемый получает благословение от патриарха. Затем дает обещание соблюдать законы святых апостолов, семи Вселенских Соборов и девяти поместных и прочие каноны, повиноваться патриарху и Синоду.

By making this promise, signed by the hand of the novoposvyaschennogo bishop, the patriarch blesses him, saying:

"The grace of the Holy Spirit, through my dimension, makes thee, bogolyubezneyshago archimandrite and Hieromonk (name) izbrannago Bishop God-preserved city (the name)."

After that, having received the blessing of the patriarch ordained three bishops worship and kissing each hand.

Then there is mnogoletstvovanie, which ordains listens facing east, standing between the Protopresbyter and Protodeacon. After this test, it is

assigned to the altar, and begins the liturgy as usual.

Itself ordination of a bishop happens after the small entrance, before the reading of the Epistle, since the bishop can not only teach the people and consecrate the gifts, but also to ordain a priest, and deacon.

После малого входа с Евангелием во время пения «Святый Боже», а именно пред пением заключительного «Святый Боже» и восхождением архиереев на горнее место, протопресвитер и протодиакон приводят хиротонисуемого пред царские врата, и отсюда он приемлется архиереем в алтарь пред престол. Здесь, сняв с себя митру и трижды поклонившись престолу и приложившись к нему, он встает пред престолом на оба колена, полагая руки крестообразно на престол и главу, этим свидетельствуя свою покорность воле Божией.

Then on his head rests straightened down the Gospel writings, supported on all sides by the bishops, - it is like the hand of the Lord, uplifting, and initiate at the same time subjecting him to the law of the Gospel.

The patriarch (bishop or topping) proclaims aloud all the mysteries of prayer sovershitelnuyu:

"The election of bishops and art bogolyubezneyshih osvyaschennago cathedral and all God's grace, always feeble, and is lacking vrachuyuschi vospolnyayuschi, proruchestvuet (name), Archimandrite blagogoveyneyshago Bishop: DRC pray about it, but he shall come upon him the grace of the All-Holy Spirit."

At the altar the priests sing "Lord, have mercy" (thrice), and the choir sings "Kyrie, eleison."

After this championship three times, the bishop blesses hirotonisuemogo on the head, saying: "In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit." The bishops believe the right hand the head of the ordained. Then read primatial two secret prayer, and one of the bishops says quietly peaceful litany.

In the read secret prayer ("Lord, Lord our God" and "O Lord our God") contains a petition to the Lord God "strengthen rukopolozhennago power of the Holy Spirit, to show his arhiereystvo blameless and holy, to do him an imitator of true Shepherd, his life as a sheep polozhivshago" "Yes committing souls entrusted to him in real life, the throne of God appear blameless."

После молитв, когда с главы хиротонисуемого снимут Евангелие, снимают с него крест и фелонь, и подносит иподиакон ему саккос, омофор, крест, панагию и митру. Приняв каждое из этих одеяний, он целует его, подносит к каждому архиерею, получает благословение, целует у каждого руку и облачается. При возложении омофора как отличительной одежды архиерея, возглашается: «аксиос», но в саккос, как заменяющий фелонь священника, он облачается без возглашения «аксиос». После облачения архиереи целуют рукоположенного, и он идет со всеми архиереями на горнее место (во время заключительного пения Трисвятого).

During the reading of the Apostle novorukopolozhenny bishop "sits on the throne" (in the seat at the high place) among the bishops and "mirstvuet apostle" in the beginning and end of the reading.

In the grand entrance, he takes the chalice from the archpriest, and during the holy communion teaches elders bowl.

После окончания литургии, когда все архиереи разоблачатся в алтаре, первенствующий архиерей возлагает на новопоставленного, с осенением руки, архиерейскую рясу, панагию, мантию (с источниками), клобук, и вручает ему четки («вервицу»). Наконец, все архиереи и новопосвященный выходят на середину храма и здесь, среди народа, новопосвященный вводится в служение архипастыря чрез вручение ему пастырского жезла как символа пастырской власти. При вручении жезла говорится новопоставленному архиерею приличное тому поучение.

After this novoposvyaschenny blesses the people.

ERECTION (HIROTESIYA) to the rank of Archdeacon Archpriest, Abbot and Archimandrite

The construction of all these ranks is the church at the Liturgy during the Little Entrance with the Gospel, and is committed outside the sanctuary, through the blessing of hands and a prayer, naming of manufactured and promoted the proclamation: "Axios".

Производимый в один из указанных чинов приводится протодиаконом обыкновенно из середины храма к престолу, делает там три земных поклона и приводится к архиерею на середину храма, трижды кланяясь ему. Архиерей сидя трижды благословляет на главе его и, встав, полагает руку на главу его. Протодиакон возглашает: «Господу помолимся», и архиерей возносит молитву о посвящаемом, соответственную с чином, в который он посвящается.

With dedication to the archdeacon of the bishop or archdeacon praying:

"The very odey grace this arhidiakonstva, prisuschago Thy servant (name), and decorate it with thy honesty (advantage) in the beginning (the head) are deacons and folk thy way (example) is good to be alone that exists for him. Created and in the venerable old age is reached, glorify Thy majestic name ... "

At the dedication of Fr (Archpriest) bishop prays:

"The very odey Thy grace, and our brother (name), and honesty made him stand at the beginning of the elders, and the image of its kind that exists be alone with him graciously. And with reverence and integrity in a good old age sovershiti life graciously, and the entire HN He is good God have mercy, for Thou art the giver of wisdom, and sing thee all (to) the building ... "

Then initiate a cross marks the bishop, and believes his hand on his head, saying, "Axios".

If produced in Archpriests was not hip, he wears it, and the initiate is assigned to the archimandrite miter, cross, and the mantle with the tablets (without re-singing of "Axios"). After this novoposvyaschenny Archimandrite kisses omophorion bishop in the right and left Rameau.

After that, the liturgy goes all the clergy during the singing of "O come let us worship," go to the altar through the royal gates in rank.

After the end of the liturgy dedicated to the abbot, or archimandrite handed rod, and the bishop says the sermon on the duties of his monastic brethren and the brethren to him.

Read 62 time Last modified on Saturday, May 5, 2012 6:52
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